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Live Music Venues - Preregister

Pre-register Your Venue

Register today and we will begin pre-populating your information into MixinMEup. We automate updates from your website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other sources where possible. Be as active or inactive at maintaining your info as you like, MixinMEup works to ensure all data is as up to date and valid as possible, relieving you from yet another social media platform to maintain. Claim your listing on MixinMEup if you like and have full control of how your information is displayed to our visitors, or to communicate directly with customers, bands and other 3rd parties.

Enter the name of your venue / bar / pub / concert hall / etc
We will send you an email to this address when your venue has been added to MixinMEup
Enter your website or Facebook, Instagram or other Social Network site. This gets us started at pre-populating your info for you.
Enter your city or address, this helps us make sure we are entering the correct data in the event multiple venues across the country share your name
Please select any or all of the following items you are most interested in
Direct contact with customers
Contacting local bands or agents to find performers
Improving your social media presence
Saving time / money on (or help starting) Internet promotion (Social Media, Website, etc)
Spreading information about your live music nights to local customers
Spreading information about your live music nights to non-local customers
Information about starting or improving live music nights
We're going to be launching our Venue section very soon, and once we do we'll send you an email at the address you gave us above so you may claim your listing if you wish. Until then feel free to send us any comments you may have, or fill in the box below with any comments, suggestions, or requests for functionality and we'll get to work making the best experience possible for you and your customers.
Tell us More!
Would you like to participate in a short telephone conversation with us? We are always happy to talk to any venue to discover what issues exist with live music in the common era, or features you would like to see in an online community such as MixinMEup. Let us know how we can help you. Please enter your telephone number and a contact name in the comment box above, along with a good time to contact you, and we will call.

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