North By Northeast (nxne) - 2020
#nxne2020 Home ▸ Festivals ▸ Canada ▸ Ontario ▸ Toronto ▸ North by Northeast (NXNE) ▸ 2020Notice
Postponed due to Covid-19. New dates August 11-16, 2020.
North by Northeast (NXNE) 2020
If you were there, we were there!
This is an archived page of North by Northeast (NXNE) 2020. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #nxne2020 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for North by Northeast (NXNE) and future North by Northeast (NXNE) events.
This is an archived page of North by Northeast (NXNE) 2020. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #nxne2020 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for North by Northeast (NXNE) and future North by Northeast (NXNE) events.

North by Northeast (NXNE) is both a music festival and conference held over ten days at multiple venues and non traditional places in Toronto, Ontario Canada. The festival also hosts events around comedy and gaming.
Quick Info
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aug 11, 2020 to Aug 16, 2020 - Festival is over!
Annual Summer festival
alternativeelectronichip hoprockPerformances
bandcomedyDJgroupmusicianmusician - guitaristmusician - percussionmusician - pianistrappersingersoloAmenities
alcohol boothscarnival gamescarnival ridesexhibitors - otherfood boothsmarketplace