Dancefestopia Music Festival - 2019
#dancefestopia2019 Home ▸ Festivals ▸ United States ▸ Kansas ▸ Kansas City ▸ Dancefestopia Music Festival ▸ 2019Dancefestopia Music Festival 2019
If you were there, we were there!
This is an archived page of Dancefestopia Music Festival 2019. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #dancefestopia2019 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Dancefestopia Music Festival and future Dancefestopia Music Festival events.
This is an archived page of Dancefestopia Music Festival 2019. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #dancefestopia2019 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Dancefestopia Music Festival and future Dancefestopia Music Festival events.

Dancefestopia is a Electronic outdoor a camping and music festival. Arts displays, carnival rides and more. This event takes place annually in Kansas City, Kansas, USA. Be sure to bring Toto along, he wont be allowed at the festival though.
Quick Info
Kansas City, Kansas, United States Kansas City, Kansas, United States
Sep 05, 2019 to Sep 08, 2019 - Festival is over!
Annual Festival Held in Septmeber
Ages: From 0 To 100
Connect with Dancefestopia Music Festival
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alcohol boothscampingcarnival ridesexhibitors - artexhibitors - otherfood boothsglampingmarketplaceshowers