Coachella Music Festival - 2018
#coachella2018 Home ▸ Festivals ▸ United States ▸ California ▸ Indio ▸ Coachella Music Festival ▸ 2018Coachella Music Festival 2018
If you were there, we were there!
This is an archived page of Coachella Music Festival 2018. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #coachella2018 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Coachella Music Festival and future Coachella Music Festival events.
This is an archived page of Coachella Music Festival 2018. You can still tag photos or posts you make with #coachella2018 to have your posts show up on this page.
Check out these other pages: General info for Coachella Music Festival and future Coachella Music Festival events.

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival has become quiet the show over the years. Which major stars not only preforming but many attending this out door event. Coachella takes place annually over two weekends in the Indio, California, USA. Multiple stages bring the best of Hip Hop, Electronic, Alternative, and Indie. Camping is optional.
Quick Info
Indio, California, United States Indio, California, United States
Apr 13, 2018 to Apr 22, 2018 - Festival is over!
Annual Springtime Festival
Expected Attendance: 200000
Ages: From 0 To 100
Connect with Coachella Music Festival
alternativeelectronichip hopindier & b / soulrockPerformances
alcohol boothscampingcarnival ridesexhibitors - artfood boothsglampingmarketplacerunning watershowers